
It’s impossible to set a price list because every job is vastly different. Travel distance to your location, the size of your windows and the accessibility all affect the time taken to complete the job. Most of our jobs are very reasonable and cost less than a small newspaper ad and last months instead of one day. We stay competitive to other forms of advertising and most customers change their signs often because of their low price! 

  • A Newspaper ad is good for one day and then thrown away!
  • A radio spot is expensive – and lasts only as long as the moment it is played!

We are near Centralia and Mt. Vernon, Illinois

We are near Centralia and Mt. Vernon, Illinois

We do most of our work in Southern Illinois and the St. Louis area, but sometimes travel as far as 100 miles depending on the job requirements. We factor travel cost into your quote.

Spring, summer, and pre-Christmas are our busy times – but even then we can usually get you scheduled within around 10 days. Sometimes sooner!

Give us a call – it’s that easy!

It generally takes as much or more time to do pre-job artwork as it takes to complete the job!  That would double the price  – but we will give you a quick thumbnail sketch at the time of service to clarify roughly what the signage will look like. We want to do the type of sign you have in mind and will take extra effort to make sure you are happy.